import csv file to MySQL, load, mysqlimport


  • Necessary to import CSV file into MySQL



  • Usage

    # use csv
    $ mysqlimport -h x.y.z.w -u <user> -p<pwd> --local --fields-terminated-by=, <database> <table name>.csv
    # use tab delimeter
    $ mysqlimport -h x.y.z.w -u <user> -p<pwd> --local --fields-terminated-by='   ' <database> <table name>.csv
    mysqlimport: [Warning] Using a password on the command line interface can be insecure.
    <database>.<table name>: Records: 938986  Deleted: 0  Skipped: 6215  Warnings: 1884187
    • --local is important
    • If there are four columns in <table name>, e.g. id, name, date, school
    • Let’s say id and name is NOT NULL, date and school can be NULL
    • .csv could be like below ``` $ head
      .csv 0John 1Micheal ... ```
    • After importing csv file, table looks like below

      mysql> select * from <table name>;
      | id | name    | date | school |
      | 0  | John    | NULL |   NULL |
      | 1  | Micheal | NULL |   NULL |
  • ref

Written on June 9, 2017